About Us

Here at Where Little Minds Grow, our team of highly professional and fully licensed Speech-Language Pathologists and Special Educators work to achieve the highest level of academic success and maximize our clients developmental skills. A child’s success is dependent on the ability to acquire, maintain, and generalize skills learned across their school setting, home, and all other environments. Our early learning center provides endless communicative opportunity in a playful, all inclusive, and interactive setting. Our multi-sensory and individualized programs provide therapeutic and academic intervention in the areas of functional communication, socialization, cognitive skills, expressive and receptive language skills, phonemic and phonological awareness, reading fluency and speech intelligibility.

Mrs. Jenna Baratta

Program Director and Speech-Language Pathologist
Mrs. Baratta holds a Master’s degree from St. John’s University in Speech-Language Pathology with a concentration in Special Education, and a bachelor’s degree in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology.

Jenna obtained a position at the Eden ll Programs on Staten Island where she earned her Certificate of Clinical Competence and received a high level of training in Applied Behavioral Analysis with students ages 3-16. Once licensed with the Office of Professions, she embarked on another layer of the profession and was employed with United Cerebral Palsy, Pre-School Programs. Here, she worked with pediatric swallowing/feeding cases alongside severe receptive and expressive language

She then received a Teacher of Speech and Language Disabilities Certificate from the NYS Education Department. Mrs. Baratta was employed with the Department of Education where she evaluated and treated an array of educational and speech-language disorders.

She recently received her certification in Reading with TLC and Lively Letters, an intrasensory phonological and reading fluency program. Jenna was named a Certified Autism Specialist through IBCCES in 2022. She obtained certification through continuing education with her team of Speech-language Pathologist’s and Occupational Therapists.

Mrs. Baratta opened Where Little Minds Grow, LLC in 2019. Where Little Minds Grow is an integrated Special Education Center offering related services of Speech and Occupational Therapy.

She has a passion for offering integrated activity classes including a toddler program.
With the support of her husband, Mrs. Baratta is living her dream in raising two young children. She continues to pursue her professional goals as well by earning continuing education in the areas of Dyslexia, Phonemic/Phonological Disorders, and Pediatric Nutrition and Wellness.

Jenna is an advocate for overall health and wellness and has a passion for Pilates and yoga instruction. In addition, she encourages incorporating art, music and shared reading in her home.

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    Where Little Minds Grow

    An interactive, inclusive and multi-sensory language based approach for successful learning. Group or individual sessions available.

    2025 Summer Camp
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